Tuesday 29 October 2013

Washington’s Big Brother diplomacy

Global anger swept across the world this week with revelations of extensive snooping on leaders of major allies of United States and institutions by the US National Security Agency, (NSA), which claims that its actions were part of the counter terrorism operations.The presidents of Brazil, Germany, France, Mexico are among the heads of states that have expressed their aversion to the Wiretap scandal by the United States, through its National Security Agency (NSA). This action of snooping on leaders of other countries, individuals and organisations around the world is a worrisome throw-back to the Cold War global environment, where countries engaged in acts of wide-scale espionage inspired by lack of trust and desire to gain advantage over the other in military and economic spheres. Washington used to posture as the champion of freedom, democracy and civil liberties.When the Cold War ended in the late 1980s, the world anticipated a new world order anchored on freedom, advancement in democracy and civil liberties and development of natural resources for economic prosperity among peoples and nations.When the Edward Snowden affairs blew open in May 2013 the international community was miffed by the extent the United States has gone in sweeping emails and telephone conversations of individuals, who were suspected to have links with terrorist organisations, but embarrassingly too, by putting its allies and friends under surveillance.There is no doubt that all nations, especially, the major powers of the world engage in acts of espionage but the golden rule is “don’t get caught” but for a country like the US which has often presented itself as the champion of transparency and promoter of civil and individual liberties, the unfolding scandal is not only a breach of trust but a mark of dishonesty in its conduct of diplomacy.We are tempted to agree with Snowden’s argument that the invasive measures adopted by the NSA amounted to gross violations of the privacy of individuals, especially those outside the radar of terrorist networks. Officials of America’s NSA may argue that the US should employ whatever method it deems proper to protect the lives and interests of Americans and their country, the fact remains that their own leaders would feel less secured in this new reign of Big Brother.The actions of the NSA are clear violations of the sovereign rights of nations and civil liberties of individuals, whose rights to privacy have been breached by some overzealous security operatives in Washington.It is capable of returning the world into the dark days of the cold war by provoking of cyber war among nations. We feel pained by the fact that US has been at the head of accusation of cybercrimes and cyber invasions against China, now it has become a case of the kettle calling the pot black.The battle to get Russia to repatriate Mr. Snowden to America to answer to charges is futile exercise because those, who want to approach equity should do so with clean hands.As a nation Nigeria has remained on the fringes of global events even when we aspire to be among the world great nations. Our approach and attitude to gathering of intelligence within the country and at the sub-regional levels have been abysmal.As a nation, we must not only take steps to protect our own national interest, but also condemn unethical conducts in the international system which may impact us negatively. - See more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2013/10/washingtons-big-brother-diplomacy/#sthash.ld16n5tv.dpuf

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