Monday 12 January 2015


While preparing and shopping for NYSC camp, there are some basic things to take into consideration.  Some people, usually end up going with the wrong items; items that will turn out to be useless at the orientation camp.  This is usually due to misinformation or total lack of it.  Thank God you are privy to this information as you will be enlightened on some aspects that you were oblivious of.  So, while shopping around for items to go along with, please, take note of the following, as they will always save you from some not unusual embarrassing situations. THE DONT’S First of all, let’s see the don’ts - Do not go with heavy luggage.  Minimize the number of items you go with for easy transportation because on the first day it is always difficult to locate the camp.  You will definitely not be comfortable with trailing a big luggage behind you as you jump on one okada or the other trying to locate the camp. - Do not worry about going with much muftis.  During your stay in camp for three weeks, you will not be allowed to put on any kind of clothing EXCEPT the NYSC kits that will be supplied to you.  You will not be allowed to put on any shirt whatsoever, likewise, you will not be allowed to put on any other shoe, other than the JUNGLE BOOT or the white canvas shoes that will be supplied to you. although you can bring along a cultural wear for extra curricula activitues - Do not go with your laptop.  Avoid going to camp with a laptop or any other expensive and large electronic gadget for security reason.  You can go back home later to carry it to your place of primary assignment. - Do not bother going to camp with buckets or jerry can.  These will only add to the bulk of your luggage.  You can always buy these at the mami market.  These ones will not be sold at too exorbitant a price. THE DOS - First, if you don't know much about the state you are posted to, start asking people for info about the place.  Such information will be of great value to you. - Make sure you travel as early as possible, so as to be on the safer side. - Travel with a light luggage, like a traveling back, one you can easily strap over your shoulders.  You can go back home to get your other luggage later to your place of primary assignment. - Just abide by the camp rules, to avoid embarrassing situations, and you will definitely enjoy your stay on camp. There are many fun activities on camp and am sure you will find them interesting.  So, just get involved fully.  You might not know, they may be of advantage during posting to places of primary assignment.  Such activities include parade, sports, drama, broadcasting services, Mr Macho, Beauty Contest etc. BASIC CAMP AMMENITIES Below are the basic items a prospective corper should consider acquiring. 1.  Extra white shorts (two pairs): Make sure you go with two extra pairs of white shorts.  However, you will be supplied two pairs of white shorts along with other items in the NYSC KIT.  But, anything can happen: you may discover that the shorts you are supplied with do not fit you well – maybe too large or too small for you; they may get torn even while putting them on, especially if you are the type with well endowed butts.  All these are based on experiences had by others who have been in the shoe before. 2.  Extra white T-shirts: To serve as alternatives for those that will be supplied to you on camp.  After the parades and drills, these would have turned even whiter… 3.  Extra white canvas shoes: To serve as alternatives for those that will be supplied to you on camp.  Also, it will save you the time of having to wash the ones you will be supplied with everyday. 4.  Cutleries: It is better to go with these, though this may be sold in the MAMI MARKET. 5.  Waist bag: Buy this before leaving, or be prepared to buy it at an exorbitant price from the MAMI MARKET on camp.  This will surely come in handy during parades, exercises and even during the endurance trek.  Go with a big one that can even contain a bottle of water. 6.  Food flask: NEVER FORGET to go along with this.  The importance of this, you will agree with me, can never be underestimated.  You will attest to this when you reach camp.  However, you can also get this from the mami market on camp.  Just make sure you have one. 7.  If you have a digital camera, you can also take it along with you because you will definitely have lots of scenes to shoot and record.  Your camera phone will also do the work for sure; just get a large memory card handy. 8.  Don't forget to carry your MOSQUITO NET along with you if you have one. 9.  Also, do not fail to go along with some good cash.  Your first allowee will be paid to you on camp, mostly during the last week of the orientation exercise.  You do not need to wait for this.  You will also be paid your bicycle allowance.  But, don’t fail to go along with some good cash. 10.  Have a pen and paper: Series of organizations and individuals will come to lecture you on diverse topics, hence try and get an exercise book handy too because you might need to write some stuffs down during such lectures. REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS On getting to the Orientation camp, the first thing that you will have to do is to get registered.  This is very essential for you to be admitted into the camp.  During the registration exercise, you are expected to provide the following: * Your Final Year Student ID card * The Notification Of Result from your higher Institution (ORIGINAL and photocopies) * Passport Photographs (You might need more than 24 copies so its better when you have many copies with you) * NYSC Call Up letter (ORIGINAL with photocopies)
During the registration exercise, you will be given some documents, which you will have to fill, attach your passport photographs and submit to the necessary officers.  If you don't have your final year ID card, Notification of result and call up letter with you, don't be surprised if you are sent back home.  So, get them handy.  Go with enough photocopies because it may happen that photocopy machines may net be available on camp at the time of registration.  It will not make sense to spend N200. 00 on motorcycle transportation for N50 worth of photocopies.  Once you complete your registration, you will be issued your STATE CODE, which will be your unique code all through your service year.  With this code, you will then go ahead to claim your mattress and your NYSC kits.  You will then be directed to your hostel where you will stay all through the Orientation exercise.  Once you locate your hostel, the bunks might be labeled, in that case, find your bunk and get settled. 

About Chuck

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