Saturday 10 January 2015


How to Build a Free Website (1) Building with Blogger Did you know? One day we shall all die and all the things we have in this world right now will no longer be of any use to us. Whether you are rich or poor it won’t make any difference. The only thing that will matter after you die is how you lived your life. Will the Lord find you worthy enough to live the rest of eternity with him? Will your name be found in the Book of Life? Do you believe in God? Do you Go To Church? Do you Read the Holy Bible? If you do not then you should. No matter what the situation in your life looks like right now, please do not let it distract you from the things that truly matter in the long run. The Lord knows everything and He will make all things perfect in His time. If He saved and rescued me from unemployment then He can and will do the same for you. Please pray this short prayer now: Lord God Almighty, thank you for giving me this opportunity to make things right with you. I am very sorry for all my sins and promise to change for the better from today. I believe that you are my Creator and that you sent your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. I believe that by His death He washed away my sins and saved me. Lord Jesus Christ today I open the door of my heart and invite you to come in and be the Lord of my life. I hand over all my worries and burdens to you. Thank you for saving me. May your Holy name be praised forever. Amen May God bless you as you read this guide. Running a job website has shown to us the dire state and desperation facing millions of Nigerian families, youths and graduates today due to the horrible unemployment crisis in the nation. Because we have been through the same suffering and pain, we know what it feels like and we are trying our best to see how we can help out by contributing our own little quota. Just as we have been able to build a regular income stream and gain financial independence from doing online business, it is our desire that as many people as possible learn this skill so that they too can be empowered to free themselves from the bondage of financial lack by becoming self reliant. One of the first steps in the journey of an internet entrepreneur is the ability to create web pages, at least at a basic level. We are therefore giving away this guide for free because we want as much people as possible to have this knowledge and we encourage you to make use of it how best they can and share with others. We wish you success in all your endeavours. Enjoy… Part 1 Creating A Quick Introduction to Website Technology Before a website can appear on the Internet you need to have two things in place: one of these is called a domain name and the other is called a web host. Once you have a domain name and web host, the next thing is to design your website and send it to the web host. Domain name: The domain name is the name that you normally type when you want to visit a website. The domain name is commonly called the website’s address or URL (an acronym which stands for Uniform Resource Locator). For example, the domain name or the address of our jobs website Latest Nigerian Jobs is A domain name can also be written with “http://” in front of it with or without the “www”.,, or are all different ways to write a domain name. Web hosts: A website is actually just a collection of different files and folders and you need somewhere to store these online for them to be accessible to people on the Internet. The place where you store these files is called your web host or web server and the process of storing the files is known as hosting. Only when your website’s files have been hosted on the Internet can people access it. A web host is the company that helps you to house your files and folders online so that when people type your domain name, they will see your website. The domain name and the web host are the two things that you normally need to have in place for your website to be active. Most web hosting companies provide both domain name and hosting services together so you can actually obtain both from the same company. How does one get a domain name and a web host? There are generally two ways that you can get a domain name and web host for your website. One way is to get it for free and the other way is to pay for registration and yearly subscription. So what’s the difference between free and paid? Well, it depends on how you want to look at it. Just as there are thousands of paid web hosting companies online, there are also thousands of free website services and they each possess various degrees of quality. While some free web hosts are of very poor standard compared to the paid web hosts, you can still find some other free ones that are very good. Among these good ones is Google Blogger (or Blogspot) which is probably the best free choice for people intending to earn money through blogging or through advertising on their website. In my journey on the Internet, I have tried out dozens of both free and paid hosts and trust me, Blogspot is currently the best and is also among the easiest. Once you can master the use of Blogspot to create websites and blogs, you will suddenly begin to see endless possibilities in making money online and you will ask yourself if you have been living in this same world all this time. You will be empowered to do any kind of online business without worrying about how to get a website. And you will find out that there are lots of things that you can do to make money just by knowing how to easily create websites fast.

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